Housing & Land Use in the Avenues

Welcome to the Housing and Land Use page of the Greater Avenues Community Council. 

The committee is starting 2024 with several key initiatives shown below

I. Keeping Avenues residents informed on the latest petitions for development in the Avenues area.

This includes the Ivory Homes Capitol Park Cottages at F Street and 14th Avenue. The pproject recently received Planning Commission approval of their Planned Development for the three acre site.  

More about this project can be seen at https://www.slc.gov/planning/2023/07/10/openhouse-00656/ and here https://buildingsaltlake.com/capital-park-cottages-in-the-avenues-passes-planning-commission-after-an-uphill-battle/

II. Updating the Avenues Master Plan which was last written in 1986. This Plan helps guide various City departments as they review applications for development and make decisions as to what is important to the Avenues area.  See the current Avenues Master Plan here: http://www.slcdocs.com/Planning/MasterPlansMaps/Aves.pdf

III. Bringing City requests to the Avenues when they request resident opinions on legislation that affects housing in the Avenues, including

HOUSING SLC: AN UPDATE TO SALT LAKE CITY'S FIVE-YEAR HOUSING PLAN - Salt Lake City is creating a new housing plan. Based on feedback collected throughout 2022, the City has drafted a plan that seeks to address the concerns around housing affordability that were heard throughout the engagement period. A draft plan is now available, and the City is seeking public feedback on the plan that we have put together. The public comment period will run for 45 days.  Learn More & Share Your Feedback!  For comments or questions, please contact: Ruedigar Matthes //  or   

 2024 Virginia Street Reconstruction - Design Announced - The final design concept is now available at https://www.slc.gov/mystreet/virginia. Construction is expected to start in early 2024. Email  to be added to the project email list for construction updates. The scope of the project will be from South Temple to 11th Avenue and will include continuous sidewalks on the west side, uphill bike lanes, traffic calming elements, improved bus stops, and intersection safety improvements.

SLC Park Strip, Landscape Policy Changes -   Public comments are being taken by the Salt Lake City Planning Division and Planning Commission as they consider city-wide changes to the Landscaping Chapter of the Zoning Code. This includes proposed revision of the Park Strip ordinance under which many city residents have been penalized for their water conservation efforts.   The proposed Park Strip policy revision would require one "street tree" every 30 feet and vegetation covering at least 30% of the area.  See all proposed amendments HERE. The Planning Commission will consider landscape/park strip ordinance changes at its April 26 meeting.  Public comments can be submitted in-person or via email to Nan Larsen at .  Reference case number PLNPCM2023-00098 in the subject line. The agenda for next Wednesday's (April 26) Planning Commission meeting is HERE The Planning Commission's recommendations will then be presented to the City Council for final approval.

The GACC Housing and Land Use Committee invites all residents to be part of these efforts. The Committee meets monthly on the 3rd Tuesday at 6pm at the Sweet Branch Library.  Email committee chair Jim Jenkin at  or we will see you at a meeting.